Monday, September 30, 2013

Breakfast for this week:
Gluten free and Vegan Berry Almond Cereal
I experiment in the kitchen constantly.
....mainly because I don't ever really plan what I am cooking exactly so when I grocery shop I buy things; then dream up what I can do with them and whatever I have stocked in my pantry.
So this week I bought only fruits, veggies, nuts and coconut milk. BY THE WAY it was the first time I bought groceries in two weeks and after surviving off frozen vegetables and GF pasta for a week All I want is vegetables...that are not frozen.
Every sunday night I embrace my inner housewife clean, do laundry and then prep my meals for the week.  This saves me time during the week and guarantees I am eating a well balanced meal/enough during the week. Every day I mix up the core of my weeks meal with some different garnishes/spices.

This week for my breakfast I kind of envisioned a breakfast bake....and my experiment led to a some sort of moist granola.
It was simple to put together
I used
  • 2 cups Gluten free oats
  • 1/3 cup chopped almonds (you can adjust how nutty you want to be)
  • 1/3 cup frozen berry cherry blend from traders joes  (aka cherries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries)
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 a tablespoon of coconut oil
  • cinnamon to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder 
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
I simply chopped almonds and then mixed tall the dry ingredients together. I added the coconut oil first and then the milk. The oats absorbed the milk right away.
 I then heated the oven to 325 degrees and popped them in. I checked on the oats often stirring them to make sure they wouldnt burn. After 25 minutes I took them out. The oats were browned but not hard or crunchy like granola...thanks to the coconut oil and milk.

I put them in the fridge overnight in an air tight container and they stayed fresh and soft.
 Andddd then I put some in a bowl and added coconut milk and bananas!!!
It was pretty darn good :)
So even though I didnt get my envisioned breakfast bake....I love the result. And I now realized that I didn't use enough coconut oil because I had it in the fridge where it became a solid rock of white oil. Also I need to add something like peanut butter t make the ingredients stick to make the oats stick together. Luckily next I can continue my experiment