Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Potatoes, tomatoes for dinner?! oh my!!!

Tonight i made delicious wannabe indian potatoes! My mom makes amazing indian food and i have been craving it alll week. But i dont have all the right spices (especially cumin) sooo once again I improvised!!
First I boiled three potatoes until they were soft enough for me to stick a fork in deeply but not so that they fell apart. Meanwhile I peeled and chopped some ginger and red onion.
And the two tomatoes as well. 

Then I put the onion and ginger in the pan along with a bay leaf and olive oil.
I sauteed them for a little bit then i put in the tomatoes and about 1/4 cup water from the potatoes I boiled. The water has alot of nutrients potatoes release when cooked!  I also sprinkled on tumeric for color.
I put a lid on top of the tomatoes and  to stew/steam them. And cut the potatoes up. Then added them as well and put them under the lid.
I cooked the suckers for 15 minutes on high then lowered the flame for another ten ( should take less time but i kind of undercooked the potatoes) anyways these were they half way! 

And then this is the final result :)

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