Monday, November 25, 2013

Tofu Feta Cheese

Tofu Feta Cheese
For me, the thing I miss the most is cheese. I always say I'm a vegetarian because I don't support systematic killing. After researching I finally went the full yard when I realized that animals in the slaughter house may be killed, but the animals in a dairy farm have to live through  terrible treatment until they can no longer be of use or bear it. I genuinely would not be able to put up with what these poor creatures have to deal with all the time.
I was at a vegan diner near my home...when I saw they had all these fake cheese options. Theyre all good
especially the feta cheese.
SO I went on pintrest looked up tofu feta cheese
and then gave it my own try
Super easy and cheap!

I used:
1 Container of extra firm tofu
5 small garlic cloves 
1 Lemon
1/2 a lime
salt (to taste... I love salty feta so I used quite a bit)

First thing I did was peel the garlic cloves and mince them (chop into super small pieces). Then I put it in a bowl and squeezed all the juice out of the lemon and added a (espresso) spoonful salt . I mixed it.

Then I took the tofu and peeled back a corner of the cover and drained all the liquid out. Next, I took chunks of the tofu and squeezed it in my hand so more liquid came out. Finally I crumbled the tofu into a bowl and mixed in the lemon-garlic-salt combo I tasted it and squeezed in 1/2 a lime and added more salt. I let this marinate for 12 minutes.

Then I spread out the tofu on a lightly greased cookie sheet and popped it in the oven for 8 minutes at 200 degrees.
(until it seemed that the liquid had been absorbed and it was less wet.) I took it out, let it cool completely, put it in a Tupperware and put it in the fridge!

and it looks so legit!:)

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