Sunday, October 13, 2013

Celebrating Fall with Apple Cider in an Apple

This past week one of my best friends and I had our birthday. Yes, it is Strange we have the same birthday. Maybe it is also fate. Also it finally got chilly in the Big apple and its finally apple season and the farmers market is once again filled with local farmers selling apples, and apple cider and apple cider donuts.
And being true foodie fall babies, my friend and I spent a day together cooking and celebrating our birthday and the start of our favorite seasons...fall.
THUS WE HAD *you can insert a drumroll here if you wish

It was sooo easy and fun to do!
we simply bought local apples at the farmers market
and cider.
then we cut out the center of the apples.
-This took the longest time in out preparation. We cut a square around the core and cut that out with a small, but sharp knife then we were lucky to have decently soft apples so that we could use spoons to scrape out the insides. I finished them off by trimming the inside with the knife. It was kind of like taking out the inside of a pumpkin before you carve one except... without goey stringy pumpkin stuff and pumpkin seeds.
also there is the exciting moment when you see there is a star flower in the center of the apple
I always am excited by these little pretty things you find in nature

Finally we filled our little apple mugs with hot apple cider that we heated on the stove and sprinkled on cinnamon and took a sip
 It is so amazing how much the raw fresh apple enhances the flavor of the apple cider itself. Also our apples had a nice tangy-ness to them that contrasted with the sweetness of the cider. AND  the heat of the apple cider made the apple soft inside but crisp on the outside so when we were done we ate the apple and bit into the cup. It was crispy and soft and delicious!!! I felt like my childhood dream of trying the edible teacup in willy wonka and the chocolate factory was finally being full filled (the version with jean wilder. I clearly remember when he sits down drinks and then bites into the crisp yellow teacup thats supposedly a candy flower)
Taking her first sip :)

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