Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pumpkin Granola (vegan and gluten free!)

My friend sarah came in for a super quick visit last week. And she introduced me to pumpkin granola. The minute I smelled the stuff I knew I needed to create my own!!
I bought a huge can of pumpkin puree that was on sale and some pumpkin spice.
After looking up recipes on Pinterest I kind of combined all of them into one to cater to what I had. 

These are the ingredients i used 
3 cups rolled oats
3/4 cups quinoa
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 rounded teaspoon of pumpkin spice 
1/2 tsp of Salt 
1taespoon ground flaxseed
1tsp cinnamon
1/3 Cup melted coconut oil
1/2cup pumpkin puree
1tsp vanilla
1/4cup honey
1 tablespoon of brown sugar 

The first thing i did was heat the oven to 325 degrees and melted my coconut oil. I greased two cookie sheets with coconut oil while the oil melted.

Then in a large bowl i mixed the dry ingredients. And in a smaller bowl the wet ingredients, i made sure everything was really well mixed. 
Finally i added the wet ingredients to the dry and mixed those thoroughly.

I spread out my mix super evenly on the two cookie sheets and baked them for 30 minutes; taking them out every ten minutes and moving the granola around. 
The kitchen smelled amazing! And the granola was delicious pumpkin-y and not to sweet! 
I had it for lunch today with bananas and apples!!

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