Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hittin the Refresh Button

Hello! Im back to the blogging world. I've decided to kind of reroute the purpose of this blog. I had to take a while to get grounded and see what I wanted out of this. I knew I loved taking pictures of my food and sharing the recipes to my friends. And I enjoy writing. Yet, I realized: having a food blog was to ...constraining and for anyone who doesn't know me I don't like rules. I will follow most but the mere thought of not being able to do something, makes me want to find a way I can. Which is why I stopped blogging, I felt bored. I now am Planning on posting on this blog to give insight to what my life is like here in NYC and also share easy, healthy and overall delicious meals I make.
To start this new direction I am sharing a super easy recipe I threw together last night.

I just got home from spending a week at home back in Encinitas Ca. It was honestly a very needed trip. Last Thursday was my first day off in ages.  I had to work or dance everyday since December 28th 2013. (Minus a few days where I was extremely sick) And man was I burning out! My exhausted body just wanted to be in sick mode and sleep, my brain was shot from dealing with the emotional toil that comes from dancing and living in NYC. Needless to say going home was perfect. I got to see my family and friends and walk on the beach, eat, sleep, let my mom do my laundry and feed me. I even got sick and enjoyed my mom fussing over me. But now I'm back to the grind and I decided to go on a short cleanse before I go back to my full schedule. Thus on my last days of spring break I can detox my body out an gather vitamin C/the last bits of sleep before going into the last six weeks of the semester. Sooo heres what I created:

I went to Trader Joes and bought:
2 grapefruits
1 package of peeled and steamed. Baby beets
Go Raw trail mix (walnuts,almonds, cashews, peanuts, raisins)

I cut and peeled the grapefruit
Cut up the beets
Threw them in a big plastic container added a dash of salt, paprika and one tablespoon of diced ginger (that i keep in my freezer)

When I eat it I add a handful of the nuts. Its super easy and flavorful. I think that salt really brings out the flavor while keeping it looking fresh :)

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