Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kale Kraze

its rich in iron. its rich in fiber. its a leafy green. its in season. i got a huge bag of it for 1.99 at trader joes
and ...I had a kale filled week last week!
its also easy to incorporate and fill up a plate.
I ate it steamed
and I ate it raw.
and  it was alll amazingly filling delicious and as I mainly prefer CHEAP and super fast!
 I had kale in multiple forms and here are my two favorites of the week

*Kale Tacos: aka fastest dinner I prepared last week
This was a surprisingly amazing result of a craving for my mothers mexican food and being to broke to buy any mexican food down the street.
 It actually took me about five minutes to make:
I took canned black beans and heated them. I heated tortillas. I took some of my mothers salsa (which is similar to salsa they have in alot of chinese restaurants. Its kind of like a chili paste but I cant give away the recipe :/ its also EXTREMELY spicy) and put the salsa on the tortilla.
I put the beans in the tortillas and added raw kale and chopped tomatoes and  VOILA
 one helll of a tasty meal.

 *any salsa would work for these tacos and im sure theyd be even more amazing with more toppings like cheese or if you eat meat...with steak etc.

* Steamed Kale with Sweet Potatoes and Tomatoes
 This was also ridiculously easy to make.

 I boiled 1 diced sweet potato in water until it was soft then I dumped out the water and finished it off in olive oil and salt and added some tomato slices. I have this thing were I love cooked tomatoes the combination of sweet and tangy makes me oh so happy :)
The Kale I simply put in a saucepan with some water and steamed it.
I put both on a plate sprinkled them with salt and then ate on my fire escape 
*Oh and another day I sauteed the sweet potatoes in my mothers salsa and had them with steamed kale which was also amazing :)

ANYWAYS kale is amazing and cheap and these are the cheap yummy meals of the last week

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