Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baked apple with steel cut oats

I dont have work until 1030 on saturdays now which means...i have an extra hour in the morning to be a person!! But i cant sleep in and i was hungry; 
Therefore i decided to continue my fall inspired kick. And saw that i had two apple and two types of breakfast cereals. SO my mind instantly thought of this pin i saw  on pinterest and i looked it up.
The recipe called for some ingredients i didint have like as usual i tweaked it a little.

First I brought
1/2 cup water with a pinch of salt 
To a boil then i added 1/4 cup steal oats. While that cooked i cored one apple.

Then i turned off the oats and mixed in cinnamon and brown sugar. 
I filled the apples with the steel cut oats. Put a little apple cider on the bottom of a baking pan  (the recipe called for orange juice) 
And baked it at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. 

This was the beautiful result!
I let it cool then put it on a plate.
It came off the pan super easily because of the apple cider! Finally I just Sprinkled on some cinnamon and had an amazing, vegan, gluten free, protein filled delicious breakfast. And honestly it was super easy to make!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Breakfast Protein Flax Bars

My quest for a breakfast bake continues.....and the latest concoction/attempt to make a breakfast bake ended up becoming this amazing protein filled bar. that was extremely filling yet light and perfect to eat really quickly in the morning!

Also on a personal note;  Last week I bought peanut butter and bananas because I was craving protein, fat and potassium (to fight my aching body and early signs of a weird cold-flu that put me out of commission for this past week actually)
here is what I did and used this time around :)
  • 2 cups GF Oats
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds
  • 2 mashed bananas
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • about 1/3 cup coconut milk
  • a pinch of salt
I mixed the oats, flax seeds, salt and baking powder. Then I added the peanut butter and bananas which I struggled with until my brain turned on and I added the coconut milk which instantly made the mix less stiff. It turned thick but not lumpy which was what I wanted. Last but not least I spread the oil on the round baking pan and poured in the batter.
I put it all into the oven
and after 25 minutes I got this nicely golden firm yet soft baked oatmeal which i cut into squares right away and let cool
I stored them in an airtight container in the fridge and ate them in the morning with some coffee and coconut milk.

I pretty much only had left over peanut butter and bananas so I put more on top of the bars some morning which enhanced the flavor :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Protein filled Garbanzo Bean Cakes

I am constantly trying to add protein to my diet. Garbanzo bean flower has 6 grams of protein for every 1/4th cup thus
I decided to invest 4.59 for a bag of Bobs Mill Garbanzo flour and see what i could use it for. 
I have ended up perfecting these garbanzo bean cakes which I have eaten for dinner and lunch. They are really easy to make!
To make them I take 
1/2 a cup of garbanzo bean flour
1cup water
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 tablespoon of oil (olive, coconut etc)
1tablespoon of seasoning (salt paprika cumin etc)  
I mix these all in a bowl and then pour the batter pancake style onto a hot griddle with a little olive oil on them and let each side cook for about 2 minutes and voila they are set!
As for toppings you get to play around with them heres a few ideas: 
The first time i made these I put sauteed kale and roasted butternut squash and a little crumbled goat cheese. 

I also made them with chili oil for a super spicy kick and had them
For lunch. i cut the pancakes up and dipped them in hummus

And most recently I made two very thick pancakes and created a type of sandwich!
I simply filled it with spinach an guacamole and hummus! 

Celebrating Fall with Apple Cider in an Apple

This past week one of my best friends and I had our birthday. Yes, it is Strange we have the same birthday. Maybe it is also fate. Also it finally got chilly in the Big apple and its finally apple season and the farmers market is once again filled with local farmers selling apples, and apple cider and apple cider donuts.
And being true foodie fall babies, my friend and I spent a day together cooking and celebrating our birthday and the start of our favorite seasons...fall.
THUS WE HAD *you can insert a drumroll here if you wish

It was sooo easy and fun to do!
we simply bought local apples at the farmers market
and cider.
then we cut out the center of the apples.
-This took the longest time in out preparation. We cut a square around the core and cut that out with a small, but sharp knife then we were lucky to have decently soft apples so that we could use spoons to scrape out the insides. I finished them off by trimming the inside with the knife. It was kind of like taking out the inside of a pumpkin before you carve one except... without goey stringy pumpkin stuff and pumpkin seeds.
also there is the exciting moment when you see there is a star flower in the center of the apple
I always am excited by these little pretty things you find in nature

Finally we filled our little apple mugs with hot apple cider that we heated on the stove and sprinkled on cinnamon and took a sip
 It is so amazing how much the raw fresh apple enhances the flavor of the apple cider itself. Also our apples had a nice tangy-ness to them that contrasted with the sweetness of the cider. AND  the heat of the apple cider made the apple soft inside but crisp on the outside so when we were done we ate the apple and bit into the cup. It was crispy and soft and delicious!!! I felt like my childhood dream of trying the edible teacup in willy wonka and the chocolate factory was finally being full filled (the version with jean wilder. I clearly remember when he sits down drinks and then bites into the crisp yellow teacup thats supposedly a candy flower)
Taking her first sip :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kale Kraze

its rich in iron. its rich in fiber. its a leafy green. its in season. i got a huge bag of it for 1.99 at trader joes
and ...I had a kale filled week last week!
its also easy to incorporate and fill up a plate.
I ate it steamed
and I ate it raw.
and  it was alll amazingly filling delicious and as I mainly prefer CHEAP and super fast!
 I had kale in multiple forms and here are my two favorites of the week

*Kale Tacos: aka fastest dinner I prepared last week
This was a surprisingly amazing result of a craving for my mothers mexican food and being to broke to buy any mexican food down the street.
 It actually took me about five minutes to make:
I took canned black beans and heated them. I heated tortillas. I took some of my mothers salsa (which is similar to salsa they have in alot of chinese restaurants. Its kind of like a chili paste but I cant give away the recipe :/ its also EXTREMELY spicy) and put the salsa on the tortilla.
I put the beans in the tortillas and added raw kale and chopped tomatoes and  VOILA
 one helll of a tasty meal.

 *any salsa would work for these tacos and im sure theyd be even more amazing with more toppings like cheese or if you eat meat...with steak etc.

* Steamed Kale with Sweet Potatoes and Tomatoes
 This was also ridiculously easy to make.

 I boiled 1 diced sweet potato in water until it was soft then I dumped out the water and finished it off in olive oil and salt and added some tomato slices. I have this thing were I love cooked tomatoes the combination of sweet and tangy makes me oh so happy :)
The Kale I simply put in a saucepan with some water and steamed it.
I put both on a plate sprinkled them with salt and then ate on my fire escape 
*Oh and another day I sauteed the sweet potatoes in my mothers salsa and had them with steamed kale which was also amazing :)

ANYWAYS kale is amazing and cheap and these are the cheap yummy meals of the last week